Our Definitions

Here are some words we’ve been using for this fund. We’ve included a brief description of what they mean, to us. They are shaped by our ambitions for the fund.

Entrepreneurship to us means the willingness or ability to create or to imagine something new and to take the chance to turn their ideas into reality.

Equity means fairness and justice, ensuring everyone gets what they need in order to do well. Equity recognises that we all need different things to do well, and no two circumstances are the same.

Eurocentric describes a viewpoint that centres European/white culture and history above others. This often results in the exploitation, oppression and discrimination of other cultures.

Food Equity means everyone has fair access to adequate, affordable, nutritious and culturally appropriate food for a healthy diet at all times. 

Food System means all the processes involved in feeding people, from growing and harvesting to processing, transporting, selling, and eating food.

Health Equity means everyone has a fair chance to be healthy, regardless of their background or circumstances.

HMRC stands for "Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs," the UK government department responsible for collecting taxes.

Innovator we use to mean someone who creates new ideas or builds upon existing ideas, products, or methods.

Justice means ensuring everyone is treated fairly and putting practices in place that ensure this. 

Knowledge is the process of gathering information, understanding, and skills gained through lived and, or learnt experience including cultural and traditional knowledge systems.

Nutritional epidemiology is the study of how diet affects health and disease in populations.

Social Justice focuses on fairness in society, aiming to reduce inequality and promote equitable economic, political, social rights and opportunities for all.