Candice James BEM 

Born in Yorkshire, raised in Lambeth, growing up in both an urban and a less densely populated area has shaped my passion for cultivating food, promoting healthy food environments, cooking, and of course, the enjoyment of food!

My professional practice stems from Early Years Education. Currently I lead a vibrant community hub for children, young people and their families in Brixton, an area with high levels of deprivation. Food provision has become an essential part of our offer and plays a crucial role in creating a safe and happy environment.

I advocate for people’s right to nutritious food. In my opinion Black food is the provision of food that is culturally attuned to the Black African diaspora and, with that being said, Black food embodying the essence of the earth and nature. It’s a reason for celebration and gratitude, that tastes better when shared with others.

I am deeply committed and proud to serve on the Black Food Fund committee, holding space to influence change alongside remarkable individuals who have a shared positive vision. I am hopeful about our future endeavours and our collective achievements as we work with the community to enhance food systems in Lambeth and Southwark.

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